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Complications During Filming

Originally, I had intended to film the opening sequence of my music video, which detailed a narrative segment along a street with a heavy focus on performance. Unfortunately, due to difficulties with technology and casting times, the sequence didn't get filmed. The largest problem with the technology was the battery and storage of the camera provided, which ultimately forced us to stop filming on the day I had booked my cast for filming.

It wasn't until I was editing the footage, that I experimented with cutting between the openings of the two narratives, thusly filling the empty space of Sequence One. While I thought this was an initial success, after test showings of the rough edit, I found that audiences couldn't understand the purposes and meanings of not just this sequence, but the narrative as a whole.

While I thought filming the performance sequences for the ending of the music video proved to be an eventual success (after many retakes to ensure the performance was to a good standard), it's clear I didn't have a sustained variety of shots for the last sequence which heavily detracts from the energy of the video as a whole as it juxtaposes the energy of the music.

There were also many complications in cementing the setting for my third sequence, which I had included as intertextuality to 1978's 'Grease'. After debating whether or not to film it publicly, I decided to film the sequence in an environment that I could control more easily. I shifted to the theatre in the school, however turned off the lights so that the only illumination came from flashlights on mobile devices that were held by my cast members. This proved effective in masking the environment as a cinema theatre, however, simply due to the darkness, I wasn't able to record the performance effectively- again marking a shift towards narrative.

As of 28/11/22, the rough edit for my video does not feature performance throughout, as opposed to just the final sequence. Therefore, going forwards during reshoots, I intend to film a lot more performance to include at the beginning of my video. Hopefully, this will not require as many cast members as this will then cause further complications in arranging filming dates. As well as this, reworking the opening will also provide a better understanding for the narrative.

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